Bath Ventilation Fan with Light: Multiple Types of Fans




Every room needs a way to exchange old and warm and carbon oxide filled air with fresh air from outside. While most rooms have windows for that job, bathrooms are a completely different case.


Mostly baths are small rooms with no windows, or one very small one, perhaps that can’t be opened. And unless you are not dealing with those circumstances, you need ventilation fans. So how do you give your tiny unventilated bathroom a «harbor breeze»?

Multiple Types of Fans

If you’ve purchased a furnished home, then you won’t probably need to deal with the problems of choosing the fan. Though when your home is empty, and the bathroom is small, perhaps even has a ventilation entry, then you should choose the fan.

There are two distinguishable types:

  • Fans without light. Sometimes don’t have to be turned on, as opposing to the other type. Might sometimes be automatic. As the name states, they don’t have any lighting.
  • Fans with lights. A more popular variant. There are especially good for a tight room, as they combine lights and the fan in one. Have to be turned on manually, which isn’t a problem, as you would mostly be inside the room when the fan is turned on (otherwise it will be dark inside).
    We recommend you: to use the second variant — fans with lights.

    Pros and Cons

    There are some good and bad sides of the coin. Advantages are:

    • Ventilation will provide a lot of fresh air into the room, cooling it down and getting rid of bad smell.
    • In case you live in a cood are — some fans have a built-in heater. Air coming from freezing outside will heat up to a stable room temperature.

    And considerable disadvantages are:

    • Sound. The ventilation hum is very easily heard when the fan is working. For some it may be fine, though others may find it annoying.
    • Dust may cog up inside the fan, and you will have to service it.
    • For vents with lamps, the lamps may cause multiple problems. Ranging from just simple blown bulb, and ending at a short circuit, because of high humidity around the lamp.
    We advice you: to take the facts above into consideration, and decide whether you are going to use the fan at all.


    Not only you can just use a simple fan with a light, that light can sometimes be changed. That means different colors for your bathroom. Definitely a great way to refine your design.

    Though if it isn’t something you desperately need, there are still different designs available. Most modern fans may look like a simple lamp, but serve two purposes in the same time.

    For example, take «Hunter». They have a vast amount of styles, from the simplest ones to the most sophisticated. But they are not the only company out there.

    If you don’t like their assortment, just search for vent fans online, and unless the fan is too cheap, you will get a good-quality product.


    Finally it has got to be said, that you shouldn’t limit yourself and buy a whole fan with a lamp. It is a better decision, than just purchasing a single fan without anything else.

    That is because it’s cheaper, it uses the area much more effectively and can be easily used in one’s interior. Also, you should keep in mind, that sometimes one light inside the fan may not be enough.

    In this case it is necessary to buy some more as an addition. Good place for them would be somewhere around the mirror. So, good luck with your choice and thank you for reading!

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