Outdoor Lights for Campers — Recommendation for Choosing

In the last decade, the automobile tourism began to develop rapidly together with the growth of automotive industry in the world. Usually, motorcar tourists stop to rest in a specially equipped travel trailers or RVs, roadside hotels, allowing them to take a rest in a comfortable environment.

However, sometimes tourists have to spend the night in a tent on the shore of a lake or river or in a situation where the lack of the light pops up immediately. In this case, the battery lantern becomes the indispensable tool for campers. It helps to create a small patio in a camp where you can have a dinner, discuss a plan for the next day, prepare the equipment, fill the car or even have a small party.

How to Choose the Best Lantern?

Most of the camping lanterns are made with LED lamps, so choosing the lamps depends on what decorative effects you want to reach by the lanterns. Some lamp models are made in the style of a kerosene lamp, the others — in the form of a conventional ceiling or in the form of rectangle.

All of them can be either hanging or hand-held. Alternatively, you can create a homemade lamp using different ribbons and strings. Some people manage to construct the lamp even in the form of an owl, by connecting two small lanterns together.


If you want to reach a bright light with broader spectrum, do not go to buy the lamps with straight lighting. Usually they use blue light which is weakly perceived by the human eye. In order to increase the visibility of the lamps producers increase the number of LEDs by a high number, however it does not change the whole view.

The reason is in a bluish color of the LED glow. Human eye is most sensitive to sunlight, as the solar load allows people see surrounding objects very clearly. The best solution for this problem can be a use of the filters scattering of opal or milky glasses so effect of sunlight in a lamp is reached.

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